Registration on the French Physiotherapy Council Board (CNOMK)

The French Physiotherapy Council, established by law in 2004, must include all physiotherapists authorized to practice their profession in France, except those working for the military health service. The CNOMK ensures that the principles of morality and probity essential to the exercise of physiotherapy are maintained and that all its members observe the professional rights, duties and obligations, as well as rules laid down by the code of ethics.

The registration on the Board makes the exercise of physiotherapy in France lawful (Articles L. 4112-5 and L. 4321 -10 of the Public Health Code). The CNOMK ensures compliance with the professional duties of the therapists, as laid down by the code of ethics. This is why the registration on the Board must be carried out before any other procedure, when it comes to carrying on business in France.


Reference Links

Kinésithérapeute à Nice


Registration File for the Board


Physiotherapists Code of Ethics


Public Health Code

At the administrative level, the CNOMK is responsible for verifying the documents presented during the request for registration of the diploma. It delivers a certificate of registration in the Shared Directory of Health Professionals to the Physiotherapist.

For self-employed physiotherapists, this registration automatically triggers the request for the creation of a Health Professional Card (CPS) by the Agency for Shared Health Information Systems (ASIP Santé). Physiotherapists wishing to exercise a self-employed activity must first register on the Board before applying for their agreement with French Healthcare System (Assurance Maladie).

Any modification and any change in activity must be communicated to the Board.


Illegally practicing as a physiotherapist


The illegal practice of physiotherapy is punishable by a two-year imprisonment and a fine of 30,000 euros (art L4323-4 of the CSP).


Illegally practicing physiotherapy:

  • anyone who practices physiotherapy, as defined in article L. 4321-1, without holding the State Diploma of Physiotherapist or any other title mentioned in article L. 4321-4 required for the exercise of the profession of physiotherapist or without falling under article L. 4321-11;
  • any person holding a diploma, a certificate, an authorization to practice or any other type of physiotherapist who practices physiotherapy without being registered on the Board of the French Physiotherapy Council, in accordance with article L. 4321-10 or during the duration of the temporary or permanent prohibition sentence pronounced in application of article L. 4124-6.

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