Continuous Professional Development of the Physiotherapist

Continuous Professional Development (CPD) is an ethical obligation carried by the Code of Public Health (Art. R. 4321-62) and regulated by the law reforming the hospital and relating to patients, health and territories (HPST). It combines the evaluation of professional practices with in-person or distance learning (in e-learning). The training offered meets national public health priorities.

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Agence Nationale du DPC


National Agency of DPC

Fond interprofessionnel de formation des professionnels libéraux


Training Fund for Self-employed Professionals

The French Physiotherapy Council checks, at least once every five years, that each physiotherapist has fulfilled his three-year obligation of CPD, and takes action in case of non-fulfillment.

Two training funds cover the costs of CPD and offer physiotherapists to create their account online in order to request support and validate their training path :

  • The national DPC agency, funded by the French Health System, is intended for all physiotherapists.
  • The Interprofessional Fund for the Training of Self-employed Professionals (FIF-PL) is funded by self-employed professionals who fulfill the Contribution to Vocational Training (CFP).

Any practitioner can also choose training courses without constraint, in case they are self-funded. However, it is necessary to ensure that the chosen courses comply with the science.

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